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Damp Proofing In Ayrshire & Surrounding Areas
Dampness, condensation and consequential mould growth or fungal decay can cause deterioration to the fabric of buildings and can present a serious health hazard to the occupants. At MacMillan Preservation and Building, we provide professional damp proofing services to ensure your property is restored in good condition.
Family-Run Business
Over 34 Years In Business
Specialising In All Types Of Damp Proofing Services
At MacMillan Preservation and Building, we carry out damp proofing services including rising damp, penetrating damp and waterproofing. We are committed to providing our clients with the highest level of damp proofing services. Our team of experts has years of experience in identifying, treating and preventing moisture-related problems in homes and commercial buildings. Contact us today.

Our Damp Proofing Services
There are many potential sources of moisture ingress, from missing slates to defective damp proof membranes. To identify every defect which is allowing water to degrade a dwelling, requires an expertise which can only be gained from many years of training, experience and practical involvement in building construction and refurbishment.
It is only by practical involvement that knowledge can be gained as to the hidden sources of water ingress and its consequences.
The damage caused by water is very often concealed behind plaster, under floorboards, in brickwork etc. Leaks can remain undetected for long periods, allowing huge reservoirs of water to build up and be contained within the fabric of the building, and only by following a 'trail of suspicion' can the original source be traced and remedial measures contemplated.
Rising Damp & Penetrating Damp
Rising damp
Rising damp occurs when water rises through the pores of masonry due to capillary action. The extent of dampness can vary due to wall thickness, the size of the pores and the local water table. As the wall becomes wet, hygroscopic salts are carried upwards from the ground and evaporate on the wall surface causing damage to the wall finish and any decorations.
Penetrating damp
We prevent penetrating damp from ruining your property by offering specialised services to prevent and fix this problem. Our skilled team will assess the situation, address it with the right solution and leave your property dry and protected for the long term.
You don’t have to suffer from condensation issues any longer. At MacMillan Preservation and Building, we offer reliable and professional condensation services. Our skilled team will resolve your condensation problems quickly and efficiently.
MacMillan Preservation provides the following treatment process:
Professional installation of a damp-proof course (10-year guarantee)
Replastering walls to 1000mm high using a renovating render system which can prevent salts from migrating to the surface
Walls should be stripped to 1000mm high, water proof membrane applied and replastered
Platon Membrane System
Dependant on the construction of your property, our surveyor will select the most effective solution according to all of the contributing factors. Contact us for treatments to resolve rising damp in your property.

Penetrating Damp & Waterproofing
MacMillan Preservation and Building are specialists at protecting and enhancing above ground and below ground dry living environments. Our experienced surveyor is able to assess and specify treatments to convert damp basements, cellars and areas of severe damp penetration into dry habitable usable spaces.
Each project is unique in its own circumstances and our surveyor will select the most effective solution according to construction, the localised water table conditions, the planned use of the space, the practicalities of treatment and any detrimental factors such as movement of the structure.
MacMillan Preservation and Building provides the following treatment processes:
Traditional cementitious waterproofing systems
Platon Membrane System
"Macmillan have been fantastic, completing lots of work from new decking, replacing doors and flooring, dealing with damp and dry rot to converting a tired and impractical wet room into a lovely shower room. Good communication and completely reliable with a super high standard of work."
- KirstyM-90, Yell Review